Sida:Svenska medeltidens bibel-arbeten (1853).djvu/266

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2S0 MACHABEKBNE I. KAP. Xly Xtt. Sp.875. j giflo waro j barfridit. b0dh han antwarda honom H Jonathas kom til herusalem oc las kona/igxfens breff f0r allom, ja^mwa^l f0r them fom waro j barfre- dit. Tha vordo hans fienda ftortiga ra^dde oc r0rfa^a- 5. de. h0randes at konu/igin baffde gifTwit ionaie makt/ ath fampna figh ha'a'r oc almogha oc ther til alla tbe fangha j giflo ftodho. at han fknWe them fra^lfa ant- wardha ather theris f0ra'ldrom. Ther a^ptir bodde io- nathas fra^lfeliga j iheru^alem tog til at atirbyggia oc . vpnyia |ladhe/}/ oc b0db ma^ftir maiinomen fom f0re tfrffuodit ftodho/ at the r0rft fkullo vprefa mwrand/ kringhom ba^rghit fyon/ aff ftorom fyroflindadhom fie- nom at the måtto wara til wa^rn/ oc flad^fens befka^r- ma/1 ſwa oc alt giordis H The togbo alle til at vnd- . fly. fom bachydes hafTdhe ther atherlefft aff hedbni/i- gomen. hwar offwir gafF fin ftadh oc rwm oc flydde atir til theras landa J enfamma bethfura fta^dher waro a^n naghre j ga^n fom haffdo oiTwir gifl'wit gud^ lagb oc hans budordh. ther the theris tilflykt [haffdhoj . T? t audiuit alexander te Alexander b0rdhe ta^ffa •L-J loiTwa/t. fom demetrior liaiTde loflwat jonathe oc the manliga fLridher oc h0ghelica ga^rni/iga fom han oc hans br0dher 0(Tt oc bedrifTwit haffdho/ oc th^ ftora a^rflTuodhe the a ftadh hafTdho kommit j iheru^a- . lem. tha fagde alexander til fina radhgiffwara. huar ku/znom wi fi/zna a/znan tolken man/ tha tagbo/n oc g0rom ha/z til van wen oc ftalbrodher. oc fkreff ho- nom til genftan fin brelT/ j iha^ff^ måtto/ konu/igb alexander finom brodher jonate belfo/ oc fa^lika at . lifTwa wi hnffuom fport aff tik at thn a*r man ftarkir Sii.876. j naturlighom krafftom. oc tfr tby beqwa'[m]bir at