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Mall:Marginalnot börjar

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Templates {{Marginalnot börjar}}, {{Marginalnot slutar}}, {{Yttre marginalnot}}, and {{Inre marginalnot}} are used to create a text in which notes appear to the side of the text, rather than as footnotes at the end. Usage is as follows:

{{Marginalnot börjar}} appears at the begining of the section containing sidenotes.

Paramater Mandatory Definition Default
1 no The width of the main text body in ems 35
2 No The width of the total space for notes (on either side of the main body) in ems. This space is the sum of the width of the note and the width of the space (padding) between the note and the main text body. 11

{{Marginalnot slutar}} is placed at the end of the section containing sidenotes.

Paramater Mandatory Definition Default
None. None. None. None.

{{Yttre marginalnot}} genväg: {{ymn}} synonym:{{Höger marginalnot}} används för en yttre marginalnot på ojämn/höger/recto sida i sid- och huvudnamnrymden. .

{{Yttre marginalnot verso}} genväg: {{ymn-v}} används i korrekturläsningsvolymer för en yttre marginalnot på jämn/vänster/verso sida i en text. vilket lägger noten till vänster i sidnamnrymden och höger i huvudnamnrymden

Paramater Mandatory Definition Default
1 Yes The text to appear at the right, possibly including wiki markup.
2 No The width of the note text in ems. 10
3 No The space (padding) between the note text and the main text body. 1
align No text alignment of the note [right, left, center, justify]. left
size No font size of note [xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large] or [smaller, larger] or [%] or [length (in px or em)]. smaller

{{inre marginalnot}} genväg: {{imn}} synonym:{{vänster marginalnot}} används för en inre marginalnot på ojämn/höger/recto sida i sid- och huvudnamnrymden.

{{inre marginalnot verso}} genväg: {{imn-v}} används i korrekturläsningsvolymer för en inre marginalnot på jämn/vänster/verso sida i en text. vilket lägger noten till vänster i sidnamnrymden och höger i huvudnamnrymden

Paramater Mandatory Definition Default
1 Yes The text to appear at the left, possibly including wiki markup.
2 No The width of the note text in ems. 10
3 No The space (padding) between the note text and the main text body. 1
align No text alignment of the note [rigth, left, center, justify]. right
size No font size of note [xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large] or [smaller, larger] or [%] or [length (in px or em)]. smaller


{{Marginalnot börjar}}

''...yet if any impertinent Person shall, either to get Himself a Name, 
or for what other end soever, wilfully or carelesly mistake the State of 
the Controversie, or the sence of his Arguments, or shall rail instead 
of arguing, as hath been done of Late in Print by divers Chymists ; 
''{{Höger marginalnot|G. and F. and H. and others, in their books 
against one another.}}''or lastly, shall write against them in 
a canting way ; I mean, shall express himself in ambiguous or obscure 
terms, or argue from experiments not intelligibly enough Deliver'd, 
''Carneades'' professes, That he values his time so much, as not to 
think the answering such Trifles worth the loss of it.''

{{Marginalnot slutar}}

...yet if any impertinent Person shall, either to get Himself a Name, or for what other end soever, wilfully or carelesly mistake the State of the Controversie, or the sence of his Arguments, or shall rail instead of arguing, as hath been done of Late in Print by divers Chymists ; G. and F. and H. and others, in their books against one another.or lastly, shall write against them in a canting way ; I mean, shall express himself in ambiguous or obscure terms, or argue from experiments not intelligibly enough Deliver'd, Carneades professes, That he values his time so much, as not to think the answering such Trifles worth the loss of it.

Note: Non-default values should be used consistently in both the {{Marginalnot börjar}} template, and the {{Höger marginalnot}} and {{Vänster marginalnot}} templates. For example, for a text body width of 25em, and a note width of 15em, with a padding of 2em, you should use the following:

{{Marginalnot börjar|25|17}}

...body text... {{Vänster marginalnot|note text|15|2}}  ...body text...

{{Marginalnot slutar}}

...yet if any impertinent Person shall, either to get Himself a Name, or for what other end soever, wilfully or carelesly mistake the State of the Controversie, or the sence of his Arguments, or shall rail instead of arguing, as hath been done of Late in Print by divers Chymists ; G. and F. and H. and others, in their books against one another.or lastly, shall write against them in a canting way ; I mean, shall express himself in ambiguous or obscure terms, or argue from experiments not intelligibly enough Deliver'd, Carneades professes, That he values his time so much, as not to think the answering such Trifles worth the loss of it.

Use of inconsistent values will result in one set of parameters for the body text, and a different set for the sidenotes, which may or may not be desirable.