322 IIACBABEERNB II. EAP. XIT. liffwa j rolighet hr hwilkra fkuld a^r oc iak ra^nther aff my/tna fora^ldra a^ro/ fom a^r 'hogxta pra^fla domit. oc thy a^r iak nw komme/i til idé^r mi/i herre f0rfl hallandis tro|t(ap jdher j allo/it edhrom a^rindom/ oc 5. ſwa r0re almoghans ba^t^fla aff theris ond^|1io bedr0ff- dis |lorliga alt wart rike ^n iak bidber edher o herra konu//gb at j owir wa^ghen all a^rinde forefeen badhe rikeno/ oc almoganom a^ptir edhre konu/tgxiiga wer- dughet före thy at ſwa la^nge jwdas liffwir kan en- iO. galu/idh fridber wara a^ller konu/igxfens wilie oca^re/ide fulf0lias/ han haffde oc naghra andra fkalka m^ figh famtykkia/idis hans falfka klagamaal/ oc vpreta/zdis konu/ixfens hogh möte jwdam hulke/t oc genftan fa^ide nichanore/R fom war h0ffdinge owir ha/is elephantos/ . Jn j jwdeanf) bywdandis honom at han fkiille jwdam liffua/idis fangha/ oc honom f0ra alla andra fordsPrff- wa. oc alchymu/7} fa^tia til hogxta preft j templet alle the hedni/iga fom til f0rinde haffdo rympt före jwdam aS jwdha land/ flyddho alle til nichanorem Menandis Sp. 057.20. fina farlighet vpfylla m^ jwdha/ina dodh oc fkada Tha jwdhane fpordho nichanoris tilqwa^mdh oc theris fom til honom flyt haffdo/ kaftado owir figh muldh oc afko oc badho til gadh at ha/s fom them haffde vt- walt/ figh til enka/zneligit folk oc tia^nara han fkulle . oc them a^werdeliga goma oc bewara Oc tha jwdas them til fagde drogho the ftrax aff ftadh jn til flotlbef deffau/ jnnan trfff haffde fymo/i jwda()e brodher redha ftrit mj nichanorem/ oc togh flyctena thy at ha/i fagh figh jnga makt haffwa möte ſwa mykin almogha An . nicbanor h0rde the flora fra^gdh fom gik aff jwda oc ha/is folk/ oc m^ folgiarom oc thera ftorma/ide en- dra^kt fom the haffdo til at ftridha f^re theris fa^dbemis
Sida:Svenska medeltidens bibel-arbeten (1853).djvu/338