JUDITnS BOK KAP. IX, X. 161 (bm fr0flc pa theris mykla tali Oc a fynom waghnom fynom flakom oc gla^ffwiom/ oc ey wita the ath ihu aft war gudh fom aff vphoffweno nidherflar all 0r- ligb Oc herre a^r thit nantpn/ vplyfft nw thin flarka arm/ ſwa fom fordhom oc nidberfla tberis makt j 5. ihina kraffiher Nidherfalle j tbi/ine wredhe aller theris flyrkir/ f0r thy at the botas at befmitta thin ba^lga rwm oc fk0ffla tbins bäriga namps m0nfl<r Oc thit al- tara nidberflaa m^ fyno ſwa'rde/ g0r thy herre at hans b0gfa'rdh aff hugges m^ ba/is egbno ſwa^rdhe/ la^ han 10. fångas j hans oghne fnarw. j mik oc nidberflaa han m^ mins ka^rlekx la^ppom/ giff myno/it bogh fladugbeet at iak han r0rfmae Oc makt at iak han nidherkafle. tb^ vardher thyno ha^igo nantpne eth ewigth amynne/ at qwi/vno/ine handh han owirwan oc nidfaerflogh fpr 15. thy/ Ey a'r herre thin dygdh j mykJo tali/ oc ey thin wilie j haftaiina ftyrke Ey haffwa oc h0gra'rduge aff vphoffweno warit tik ta^kke/ ^n 0dbmyuka oc mil- dba b0rir thu ga^rna oc theris b0ner/ hy/itblanna gud vatnfens fkapare oc alla creatwroona herre h0r mik 20.Sp.7«3. vfie tik 0dhmyukliga bidhiande/ oc tr0fta/ide pa thina mifkoTidh Mint^ herre pa thina loffwan oc giff rafth ordb mynom mw/ine/ oc ftadfaft raadh iak haffwir j mino biafrta At thit hws bliffwa/ide j thy/ine ha^lgilfe Oc allir almoghen magbe veta at fbii enfamen a^r 25. gudh. oc vtan tik a^r ey ajinar C a p i t u I u rn x TpActum eft autem ic Tba bon la^t aff ta^e tala/i •*• Stodh ho« vp aff thy rwme ther hon laagh j fy- nom b0noin Oc kallade til figh fyna pigho/ oc gik 30. Sv. Fomskr. Sällsk. Sami. VII. Ii
Sida:Svenska medeltidens bibel-arbeten (1853).djvu/177