JUDITUS B0%. KAP. I, XI. 163 kom qmnnoin/ Oc tby rymdbe iak fran ihem/ ai iak weth th^ {0r wiffo at the komma idher til roff oe |k0fflingb/ t0r thy at the f0rffnadndis idher willo ekhe wiJia/idis |^aa idber til banda/ at the måtto baffwa hnnii cnifku/idb nalr idber Oo tby ta^nkte iak m^ mik 5. ſwa jak fkal ingaa f^r flora hf^dingan boJofernem/ at kungöra honom alla iheris l0nligha akther oc vp- fiaat Oc wil jak honom vndirwifa m^ bwat til gangh han maa them faa Swa at ey en man faller a(T hans folke/ the horandis ta^ffin he/ines ordb aktado mykit 10. pa hennes a^nJit. oc florliga pa tolka fa^gbrindfa v»* drado oc fagdo til be/ma J thy forwaradhe tbii tbit liiT at tbu vpfan tolkit raadb Oc fiaflS vtgik til van Iierra Tby fkaJt thu wetha at tha ihu fta^dber tik ffM* Sp. t69. ba/2s afyn fkal han g0ra wafl möte tik oc tbu vardher i5» aldra ta^ckafta j hans hia^rta The baaro budh cm hona til hoJoffe/*nem oc leddfao hona jn £0re booom H Aa genfta/» hojs k<o/« j haos afyn wai-t han befatadher aff he/ines fa^rindb. tha fagdbo ha/is tia^nara til honom bwar fkal forfma bebreit^ka folket fom bafTwa ſwa 20. faghra qwi/inor at ^vi ey ia^mwa^l f0re tberis fkald. fkulo/it möte them flridba/ ^n jwdith feaodis holofer^- oem fitbia/idis j .fyno pawiune tiwilkit alt ivar aff purpura oc gtille* jnfa^okt m^ fmaragdix^ oc alla banda dyrom ftenom £fn nar hao faagh til he/ina ^dbmyukte 2S. hon figh nidher til iordheiia Oc genftan hooooi biw- dha/sde lyfilLa Imiine vp baiis ftbia^nara Capitulum xi Tu/iC holofernes dixit ei zc Tha fagde holoffernes til henne haffs wai^i widher oc ra^d^ enkte j tfayoo 30. hiafriB/ thy at iak äldre a^n fkadde naghrom martne
Sida:Svenska medeltidens bibel-arbeten (1853).djvu/179