Sida:Svenska medeltidens bibel-arbeten (1853).djvu/285

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MACHABEERNE I. KAP. XV. 269 idher beqwaHne al infcrifTwas j bland wara wener tba fkulo the jnfkriffwas. ffredh oc wenfkaper wari ma^l- lan os altidh/ J ibe areno afllagdis bedbninga/ina wk aff ifrael. oc tha tilb^riade ifrael at fkriffwa theris åars tall oc ma^rkeliga ga^rninga j ſwa matio Th^ta 5. fkedde wndher fymoni h0gx|la prefte. floro/n ha^rtogba aff ifrael almogfaa h0irdhinga J thero daghom kom |y- mo/i jn til gajam oc kring om bygdbe han alla wa^ghna m^ wa^rn thornom. vprefle ther blidhor oc drogb fik in f0r fladbe/t. nidber|1o theris ypper|1ta waTn thorn. 10.Sp.807. oc fik fladbe/i/ a^n alle the paa honom waro the wor- dho befta^lte ma^lla/i |ltad^ mwrana oc fka^rmena afT balko wart j ftadheno/it ftoor ia^mbir ffafi oc ra^ddu- ghe. ſwa at the fom i/ine waro* gingo pa mwrana m^ theris huftru oc barnom. oc fpletno/n kla^dhom. Ropa- 15. dho m^ h0ghe r0ft tigghiandis fridh oc f0rfonaii aff fymone oc fagdo. atirga^lt ey os a^ptir wara f0rfkul1a/i wtan a^pter thina mifku/idh. oc tagh os til thina tralla

Symo/t 0nkade figh owir theris yfa^ld. oc ftridde 

ey pa them mera. thogh dreff han them alla aff fla- 20. dben oc renfadhe all hufen ther theris aff gadh ftandit haffdho Oc tha gik ha/i in j fiddhe/i m^ fangh oc gla*- dhis lekom. wa^lfigna/ide gudh oc ärrande oc ſwa wt kafladha alla orenlighet. jnfa^te ther trona ma^n gud^ lagh fkulde fuir0lghia ftyrkte ftadhe/i. oc bygde figh 25. ther bolfladh An the fom j thorne/» waro j iherusu'- lem måtto hwat^fke wtgaa oc ey nakot k0pa a^lier fa^lia Oc thy togh them hwngher j hulko ma/ighe aff them bliffwo d0dhe Jn til tha^s at the j ga^n waro ropado til fymonem om fredh oc f0rfona/i hulkit ha/ithem 30. vnthe. oc dreff them alla wt oc renfadhe thornc/i aff alle befmittilfe. oc fidhan ingik fia^lffwir m^ gud^ loffwi