Sida:Svenska medeltidens bibel-arbeten (1853).djvu/295

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MACHASKERRK I. KAP. IVIIi. 279 lopp f0re tii ga^aram oc kwngiordhe iohanni at hans fadher oc br^dher waro förrådde, oc at hans ma^/i Sp.oo7. flaido komtna oc honom forradha. Johannes th^ta ho- randis wart ftoriiga forfa^radher Grep hand a them foro vtfa^nde' waro honom at forrada oo flogh them j 5. ha'! alla thy at han wifle wa^l at the wildo han for- raada. Alla andra obanns ma[n]ligha ga^rni/iga/ 0r- ligb 6c mänga hända dygdher han bedreff ſwa oc th^ mykia a^rffwode han haffdhe j (Ita^dherna mwran oc be- warni/igh Oc alla andra hans dygdeliga ga^rni/iga. a^ru 10. alla iofcr/ffne j the boker fom vtfcriffwos j hans da- gern ſwa la^nge han war hogxfle pre|lir a^ptu* fin fa- dher oc jwdhanna hoffdinge owir ifrael